Monday, June 9, 2008

Black Sheep (2006) NR - 3 Stars

Of all the movies I have reviewed to date, I don't think I've used that word "hammy" yet but I feel hammy is exactly how to describe this one. A sheep experiment goes bad and two brothers, 1 good 1 evil, fight to save the farm from the sheep-a-noids.

Henry (Nathan Meister) and Angus Oldfield (Peter Feeney) are two brothers raised as sheep herders on their family ranch in New Zealand. Henry has had a major fear of sheep ever since his brother played a trick on him when they were younger. He is actually in therapy for his fear and on his way to the ranch to sell his part to his brother, now that their father has died. He has not been to the ranch in over 15 years and just taking the ride down a local road where sheep are crossing, gives him the creeps.

His brother Angus, is involved in a genetic experiment to produce the finest woolly coats on his herd. But something has gone terribly wrong and the sheep are starting to bite and attack each other as they developed a desire for the taste of blood. Two environmental activists have snuck onto the land as they've learned Angus has been conducting experiments. The pair release a mutant sheep stuck in a fence who promptly infects the rest of the herd. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwe that was probably not a good thing to do and now they must fight to stay alive.

Meanwhile, Angus has invited a huge group to announce his discovery and show off his top sheep with their nice woolen coat. But things take a turn for the worse when the crowd is attacked by stampeding sheep looking to quench their thirst. They'll be lucky to make it out alive.

First Take, IFC Films
Director: Jonathan King
Writer: Jonathan King
Producer: Philippa Campbell
I viewed 11/07


Erin said...

Man, this movie just cemented for me the fact that I don't like horror comedies. You have a great site here though and I will be returning.

Visual Candy-Moms Dream Vintage Finds said...

Thank you for checking out my blog and commenting. I hope you will find some fun movies to watch off my list.
