Thursday, May 8, 2008

Journey to the End of the Night (2006) R - 3 Stars

Set in Sãn Paolo, Brazil a city defined by sex, drugs, money and corruption, Paul (Brendan Fraser) and his father Rosso (Scott Glenn) have been running a brothel dreaming of something better. Paul has a cocaine problem and Rosso is married to one former prostitutes, Angie (Catalina Sandino Moreno).

When a client turns up dead, and they find a suitcase with a large amount of drugs in it, they think they've found their way out.

But Paul becomes greedy thinking about the money to be made and wants to kill his father and leave town with his dad's wife Angie. Greed is too much for all of them and Wemba (Mos Def) an innocent bystander ends up with the dough. (He deserved it the most anyway.)

Nu Image/Millennium Films
Director: Eric Eason
Writer: Eric Eason
Producers: James Acheson, Richard N. Gladstein, Frank Demartini
I Viewed 11/07

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