Wednesday, May 7, 2008

3-Iron (2004) - 3½ Stars

My favorite Korean movie so far with subtitles. A young teen breaks into houses to spend the night. While he's inside he fixes, cleans and makes things better for the people living there. Ever since I have seen this movie, I quickly remove advertisements from my front door.

Tae-suk (Jae Hee Song) is a teenage boy who by day puts advertisement signs on people's door and by night breaks into those homes that still have ads on the door. When inside, he will find something not working and fix it or perhaps clean up where needed but always does something good to repay the owners for his stay. He includes himself in their families but taking photos of himself posed next to their pictures.

When he breaks into Sun-hwa's (Lee Seung-yeon) home, he can see she is a beautiful model by the photos adorning the walls. He does not realize that she's home watching him adjust the weight on her scale. When he sees bruises on her face he believes she might be involved in domestic violence. Her husband Min-kyo (Gweon Hyeok-ho) comes home and confirms he likes to hit his wife. Tae-suk takes out a 3-Iron golf club and drives golf balls into her husband. As he makes his escape, she follows with him and they ride off on his motorbike together.

He now has a partner to help put the ads on the front doors. Eventually the two break into the wrong house where a man has died. Thinking they are doing the right thing, the wrap the man in traditional Korean garb and give him a proper burial. But they end up being arrested when the family comes looking for their father.

2004 - 3-Iron - Venice International Film Festival - Silver Lion - Best Director.

Chungeorahm Film, Cineclick Asia, Happinet Pictures Co. Ltd.
Director: Kim Ki-duk
Writer: Kim Ki-duk
Producers: Kim Ki-duk
I viewed 8/06

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