Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Are We Done Yet? (2007) PG - 3 Stars

I really like movies that star "Ice Cube". He is a very versital actor who can play the tough hood of the streets to a teddy bear kind of dad. I did like "Are We There Yet?" a whole lot better but it's a decent family comedy to watch.

In the sequel to "Are We There Yet", Nick Persons (Ice Cube) and his wife Suzanne (Nia Long) are married living with her two children, Kevin (Philip Daniel Bolden) and Lindsey (Aleisha Allen). Now a family, they set out to find a suitable larger home in the suburb's to raise their family. They find a fixer upper and meet with Chuck Mitchell (John C. McGinley) who seems to wear every hat in town. Suzanne and the kids really like what Chuck is doing but Nick sees he's being taken to the cleaners. When he tries to fire Chuck to cut his loses, the entire family turns on him. In the end Nick learns if you can't beat them join them.

Sony Pictures
Director: Steve Carr
Writers: J. David Stern, David Weiss, Hank Nelken
Producers: Todd Garner, Ted Hartley, Matt Alvarez
I viewed 8/07

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