Sunday, April 13, 2008

Clean (2004) NR - 3 Stars

Emily Wang (Maggie Cheung), a hip music video show host and Lee Hauser (James Johnston) a faded rock star, are a married couple both with a bad heroin addiction. When Lee dies of a drug overdose, Emily is charged with possession an put in jail for 6 months. The couples son Jay (James Dennis), has been living with his grandparents, Albrecht (Nick Nolte) and Rosemary (Martha Henry).

When Emily is released from jail she flees to France to try and start over. Her thoughts were not of her child as she knows she's not fit for motherhood and does not want that responsibility. It's an everyday battle for Emily to stay off the drugs but she tries her hardest and is finally on her the road to recovery.

When the grandmother Rosemary becomes ill, she Albrecht and Jay travel to Paris to seek medical attention. While there, Albrecht thinks Jay should see his mother as she seems to be winning her addiction battle. Emily doesn't want to but eventually gets the strength to confront all her skeltons and try and start a new life with her son.

2004 - Clean - Cannes Film Festival - Best Actress. [Cheung is excellent as an addict.]

Palm Pictures
Director: Olivier Assayas
Writers: Olivier Assayas
Producers: Xavier Marchand, Niv Fichman, Xavier Giannoli
I viewed 2/07

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